Death Pipes: open top vertical pipe which trap birds
     and other wildlife

In March, 2009, an employee of the Audubon California's Kern River Preserve in the Kern River Valley, California discovered a fallen irrigation standpipe 6" (15 cm) in diameter and 10' (3 m) tall on adjacent California Department of Fish and Game land that contained numerous bird carcasses and remains of other wildlife. Alarmingly, the fallen pipe contained the remains of over 200 dead birds.

Link: Southern Sierra Research Station

Wildlife Mortality from Plastic Netting

Plastic netting in products used for temporarily erosion and to facilitate the establishment of vegetation have been found to entangle wildlife, including reptiles, amphibians, birds, and small mammals. Snakes are especially vulnerable to entrapment.

On the Threat to Snakes of Mesh Deployed for Erosion Control and Wildlife Exclusion